Breaking up is hard to do

broken heart

A  number of my friends ended long term relationships in 2013. Long term is of course relative. The length of these relationships was from 3 to 20 plus years. The cause of these break ups? It boiled down to each person having different ideas of what the future should be.

The one couple I know the best, broke up due to many mitigating factors, but the core reason seems to have been each partner’s idea of what it meant to be a couple were completely different. One thought a partner should be there always. They should live together and do everything together. The other wanted to pursue her career that involves lots of traveling, odd work hours and not living together on a daily basis.

My own experience with relationships has been a core difference in the definition of being a couple. I believe each person’s views of what is a couple is heavily influenced by the relationship one saw growing up. In my case, my parents have been married for 56 years, not all were happy, but they stuck it out and are more in love now than they were in their 40s! The key to their success was, in my opinion, due to their conscious choice to not argue with each other. Both are well read and intelligent. They also both enjoy rich lives independently with friends, community and business interests. This allows them to always have something to talk about. So when I think of being in a relationship, the parameters mirror this. I have my life, she has hers, and we come together when we both want to and join ourselves. We are interdependent, not dependent on each other.

This has alas led to none of my relationships working, and let’s be honest, breaking up is hard to do.  The science states that humans feel both emotional and physical pain after a breakup. It also states that our neural pathways get used to seeing someone, and when they are absent it disrupts those pathways. Whatever the science, after a break up you miss your former lover, and it physically can hurt!

However, I believe it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, and I am still searching for my soul mate. I know she is out there, and our views of what a couple are will be in sync!

The laws of attraction


I have been pondering what makes one person attractive to another. How is it that my hottie does not even register as slightly attractive on anther’s scale? I am of course speaking to one’s initial meeting. How is it that there is that spark or flame that flickers in your belly that says very loudly in your primitive brain “I want to FUCK you!”

Some of you are saying, really? Is it just about sex? The answer is of course it is. Whether you are straight, bisexual, lesbian, transgender, or  gay it’s all about sex baby.The tricky part is whether one acts upon one’s sexual attraction or not. This of course leads back to the movie “When Harry Met Sally.” I am not speaking to the fake orgasm scene at the Carnegie Deli (although that was hilarious) I am speaking to the statement that Harry (Billy Crystal) Makes to Sally (Meg Ryan) that men and women cannot just be friends because all men want to have sex with all women. When I first saw this movie I was aghast! Of course not all men want to have sex with all the women they meet!! How idiotic for Harry to say that. I admit I was so very very wrong.

I am a lesbian. I have lots of men and women friends. I will confess that I have been attracted to each of my friends. Because it is this attraction that starts a friendship. The key choice is whether you act upon the attraction or not! No I of course I do not want to have sex with all of my friends, but I will posit that our friendship began because we found each other attractive. Some will argue there are many different types of attraction, not all sexual. I would again argue that it is one’s initial attraction to another that matters.

This brings up another age old adage of “marry your best friend.” I agree with this. Because if you are attracted to someone and begin a friendship your friendship will lead to familiarity which breeds trust and from trust comes love. Taking that step from friend to lover can be terrifying, and of course there is always the risk of rejection. But I think that the risk is worth the reward.

Are you a Master of Sex?


I have been watching the new Showtime series “Masters of Sex” and I am truly enjoying it. I am very glad to see that not only are they exploring heterosexual relationships, but homosexual as well. Last night’s episode was so compelling that I felt the need to return to my blog after being absent for the past 4 months! What was it that tripped my switch so to speak? The episode was entitled “Brave New World.” There were a number of subplots but the most compelling, to me. was the scientific proof that a woman has one type of orgasm, not two.

A little history for those not up on your sexual history. Sigmund Freud posited that women were either experiencing “immature” orgasm i.e clitoral orgasms, or “mature” orgasm i.e. vaginal. His view was in response to so many supposed “frigid” women he encountered as a Psychoanalyst. Freud delineated from the two in order to “sanctify” marital heterosexual sex.

Masters and Johnson debunked Freud’s theory scientifically. They proved that the intensity of an orgasm for a woman was actually greater with just clitoral stimulation. These findings prompted the Virginia Johnson character to proclaim  “we don’t need men at all!”

As a lesbian I do not need a man for sexual satisfaction, however, I do need a lover. Yes each of us has the ability to attain orgasm via masturbation, but it is so much more emotionally and physically satisfying to do so with another human being. The studies which Masters and Johnson spearheaded in the 50s and 60s were groundbreaking! Woman were not expected to have physical enjoyment and one of the very first episodes explored why women fake orgasm…the answer? So they can get on with what they have to do. It was a stunning revelation to the Bill Masters character.

The series has touched upon many sexually taboo subjects such as erectile dysfunction, loss of intimacy, loss of a baby. The one thing I have found so refreshing is the stance that I have always embraced. Sex is natural. Sex is a basic need and a basic drive of the human psyche. And sex is best when you abandon all your inhibitions and just go for it! Be attentive with your lover. Be kind. Be thoughtful. These are the keys to being a sex master.

So are you a Master of Sex?

Summertime and the lovin’ is easy


Summertime has hit my neck of the woods with a hot and steamy wallop. Its almost as though a bodice ripper romance novel has come to life. When the weather gets this hot all I can think of is cooling down with all sorts of refreshing fruits and beverages.

Now some of you may think that when the weather heats up, your ardor will cool. Au contraire, ma frere!  There is something about the summertime, maybe its the baring of flesh or perhaps its the sensual nature of the foods we eat, but summer is the best time for lovin’!

Think about it, you are at a outdoor party where the hosts are serving corn on the cob and BBQ ribs. The object of your desire is standing there wearing a barely there sundress or tank top and short shorts. She is also feasting on a few bones of ribs, looking suggestively your way as she licks her fingers…or she bites into a piece of corn and the buttery juices run down her chin…

So I suggest you plan an intimate picnic for two al fesco and al naturel in the privacy of your backyard. Feed each other juicy bits of fruit, like strawberries, and grapes, and let nature take its course!

Bon Appetite!!

Get your tongue out of my mouth, I am kissing you goodbye!!



One of the hardest things to do in a relationship, is of course, end it! But sometimes ending it is the best thing to do. This is especially true if the relationship is an abusive one. Abuse can take all sorts of forms. Physical is the most obvious, but verbal and emotional are the most insidious. I know too many women who have stayed in an abusive relationship because, “he loves me. He only hits me (insert yells, degrades etc…) because I provoke him!”  Women and men do not provoke abuse!  Abusers abuse because they have the power and control in a relationship. We as adult human beings have a choice in all things we do. Do not think otherwise!! If you are in an abusive relationship, whether as the abuser or the abused, get help. There are many resources out there.

I do not like to admit it, but both of my husbands abused me, or I should say tried to do so. Yes, husbands..I have played on both sides of the bed my friends! I left both of these men not because I am Gay, but because they were abusive to me and/or my children. It was not an easy decision to make, but I knew in the long run I would be better off. I received counseling which helped me immensely.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is simply kiss that thing goodbye!

Here is a link to signs of an abusive relationship:

Dancing, dirty and otherwise

rainbow dancers

May is fast approaching, and yes yes I know “it’s May, it’s May, outside fucking begins today…” and all that, but lets get back to what happens sometimes when two people fall in love and show their love through a physical manifestation… I am talking about dancing! You know the reason strict Methodists are not allowed to dance is because they consider dancing to be “a vertical expression of a horizontal desire!” I love that! Let’s be honest with each other, dancing, like kissing, can tell you so much about a potential lover. If he or she has no rhythm and finds a beat only existing in their heads..chances are they will be sucky in bed. Of course the trues test is how ell the two of you dance together. If you waltz around the floor like Astaire and Rogers, or even better like Swayze and Grey…then by all means proceed to the nearest horizontal location and manifest that vertical expression! If on the other hand you go together like fish fingers and custard, then perhaps a chnage in dance partners would be best.

Enjoy May!!  Dance and laugh and have a gay day!!

Come Again? Sure why not?


Men have the common misconception that women can only have one orgasm during a sexual encounter. This is a myth. The truth is, in my experience, that women are by and large multi-orgasmic given the correct stimulation. Men enjoy prolonging their orgasm, or riding the edge one guy called it..women not so much!  If a woman reaches a plateau of stimulation and does not achieve an orgasm, you know what happens? Blue ‘Gina and its not pretty my friends not pretty at all! Women’s genitalia are not in any way like a man’s genitalia. Reaching orgasm the same would be ludicrous given the differences in equipment. Most men just need a warm moist tight environment, whether that be a mouth, a vagina, or an anus..even a hand will do the job because its all about friction. Women need some friction, but its not in the vagina! You need to find the clitoris and pay lots of attention to her! Be gentle. Yes some women can come from a proper pounding..but that is not the norm. As one of my friend attention to the little man in the boat! And once she shouts to you, “I’m coming, I’m coming”..DO NOT STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!

So gentlemen, your assignment is to help your lover achieve multiple orgasms in one sexual encounter..and hey even if she only comes sure will be fun to try!

March Mating Madness!!


It’s that time of year, when most str8 young men’s fancy turns to..BASKETBALL???? Guys, it is SPRING TIME!! That is nature’s way of telling you to find a nubile young woman and MATE..not pick a bunch of teams who you have barely heard of, and place their names in a bracket.

Gentlemen if you were to scrutinize the available young women around you with the intensity and analysis that you choose your teams for your bracket, your chance of success in love would quadruple! If you paid attention to the love of your life as much as you pay attention to the games..again your success would be guaranteed!

How is it that something that has so little “real” effect on your life captures your devotion. Whereas, a part of your life that can enrich it, enhance, it and make you giddy all day..get’s sloppy seconds? I do not understand the male mind. Here is a great suggestion, turn off the TV and go turn on your lover!!

Don’t be a DICK!

From a reader:
My sister-in-law, nice gal, why she married my brother-in-law is beyond my comprehension, as I can barely stand to be the same hemisphere with his royal dickness.
Anyway, he talked to her like she was one step up from the garden hose.  His tone of voice was always gruff, mean, angry and he clearly treats everyone around him like they are dirt…you get the idea.  he is nice to your face and a major dickhead behind your back.  A very insecure individual with more issues than you can shake a stick at…Well, they are divorcing, his idea not hers.  He said to her one day, if you would have been nicer to me and had sex more often, this wouldn’t be happening.  She used to call me and tell me that he was all smiley faced one minute and screaming and belittling her the next…then he wondered why she didn’t want sex.  Apparently, he didn’t get that one thing is connected to the other.  You can’t be an ass all day and expect the woman to respond in the sack…
Readers, what do you think? Personally, I am always amazed at the shit women will put up with at home. If someone treated you like crap at work, would you put up with it? If so why?
Guys, a woman’s sex drive is all about making her feel loved, safe, and secure. Women don’t think with their genitals..stop acting like yours!!